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What is Subscription Fee?
Updated over 10 months ago

What is a Subscription Fee?

a) A monthly subscription fee is deducted from your trading account the moment you start copying the leader. The charge is calculated pro-rata until the last day of the current month and displayed to you beforehand, on the Copy Leader window.

b) The subscription automatically renews on the 1st day of the next month, at 6:00 server time. At the time of renewal, if there are insufficient funds available in your account (Free Margin) to continue copying the leader, the system will automatically pause copying the leader.

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c) Whilst actively copying a leader, 3 days before the end of the month, a renewal reminder is displayed on My Activity section, confirming the renewal charge.

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d) Should you decide to stop and restart following the same leader during the same month, you will not be charged a duplicate subscription fee for that month.

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