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What is the Leader Performance?
Updated over 10 months ago

What is the Leader Performance?

a) In this section, you can see how the leader is doing in terms of trading performance and risk assessment of their open trades. The monthly data shows the profits or losses and the risk level of the leader's trades for each year.

b) You can access the data from the time the leader joined by choosing the year you want from the drop-down menu (on the top right corner of this section).

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c) The information presented in this section includes:

i) Gains % - A performance indicator displaying the percentage of gains recorded by the closed trades of this leader, for the selected timeframe.

(1) Gains% = Total P&L of closed trades / Initial deposit * 100

(2) Where the Gains% is positive, then the leader made a profit; else, the leader incurred a loss.

ii) 1 year gain – The percentage gain for the selected year; for the current year, data is evaluated to date.

iii) Highest gain – The highest gain recorded during the selected year, along with the month in which it was recoded.

iv) Lowest gain - The lowest gain recorded during the selected year, along with the month in which it was recoded.

v) Risk level - Risk level evaluated on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is the lowest risk and 10 is the highest risk.

vi) Highest risk – The highest risk percentage recorded during the selected year, along with the month in which it was recoded.

vii) Lowest risk - The lowest risk percentage recorded during the selected year, along with the month in which it was recoded.

viii) Highest drawdown - The total drawdown percentage of the leader, since the leader’s registration.

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